Wednesday 11th October 2023
The second Annual General Meeting of the Nigerian Dwarf Goat Society of Australia Ltd wll be held online at 7pm Wednesday 11 October 2023. The Board hopes everyone will attend.
Details for logging in will be forwarded to all members along with an Agenda and Board Reports well before the meeting.
Chairmans Message
Dear Members
Again a delay between Newsletters but hopefully it’s worth the wait.
It has been a busy time for the Board and several bouts of illness have not helped to keep moving forward. However, the good news is that the NDGSA Database is online with this Newsletter and the NDGSA website has been redesigned to more clearly separate Members/Non Members and is hopefully more logical to use.
The NDGSA Database has had a complete redesign since the last Newsletter and we hope the wait has been worth it.
You can access the database at Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goat Database (ndgsa.org.au) It now provides interactive pedigrees and a growing number of information links while online input, amendment and planned matings are all under development. Give us your thoughts & ideas in an email to database@ndgsa.org.au.
With the hysteria generated in relation to Myotonia now dying away it is quite apparent that it has not resulted in an end of days scenario. Both buyers and breeders are utilising Myotonia status as a tool in their decision making and educating the ND industry will continue. To assist in decision making, the NDGSA Database has “Tags” on all NDs where the owners/Breeders have provided information to the industry regarding Myotonia status. The “Tags” appear in Result Lists and pedigrees. Hopefully you all find this a useful tool for decision making.
I also note that we are back to Annual General Meeting time and invite you all to participate in our online meeting in October. There is a separate article on the AGM elsewhere in the Newsletter and the NDGSA website has a notice on the Home page. I would like to thank the current Board Members who are all required to stand down at the AGM. They have all contributed to the progress we have made over the last 12 mths or so, albeit slow at times, and I have asked them if they wish to nominate for the Board again. However, I also encourage all NDGSA Members to consider standing to become a Board Member and assisting the industry to move forward. Fresh people and fresh ideas are always welcome.
Finally we need to welcome the newly formed Australian Goat Breeders (AGB) to the industry and wish them well in their endeavours for miniature breeds, particularly NDs. We look forward to working co-operatively with them.
Feel free to contact me at wayne@ndgsa.org.au or contact any member of the NDGSA Board if we can be of any assistance.
Yours Sincerely
Wayne Graham
Queensland's Ekka
2 key dates to remember
18th August – Judging of Kids and Does (not in milk)
19th August – Judging of Does (in milk)
There will also be a milk competition.
If you’re going to be showing, it would be great if you can forward us any photos and words you’d like to share in the next Newsletter.
Please contact megan@ndgsa.org.au .
NDGSA Membership Adjustments
The recent NDGSA Board approved changes to the membership structure have been implemented and a number of new Members have been welcomed to the NDGSA.
All Memberships paid at the old rate have been extended for a further 12 months and Social Memberships have been converted to Full Memberships.
Have a look online at your Membership status and contact a board Member if you feel your Membership is not reflected correctly in the system.
Australian Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Database
With the redesign of the NDGSA Database completed the Board has decided to publish data currently available and add to the system as further data becomes available. With the decision to go ahead with an Online Input feature to the database Members will find it easier to input their records.
Members of the NDGSA now have access to pedigrees and wider information on a range of NDs and with Jarama Farm providing their full privately developed database to the NDGSA, at least in relation to 100% NDs, pedigrees are largely available thru the NDGSA Database back to “Imports” and “Committee Registered” NDs. If the ND component of your pedigree is incomplete let us know and we will seek the missing data on your behalf.
With the inclusion of “Myotonia Tags” and colour coding of linebred ancestors the NDGSA Database should be a useful decision making tool for Breeders and Buyers.
How, if at all, the public will have access to the NDGSA Database is still under consideration and the Board is leaving that decision until after the AGM in October 2023.
Your comments on the live database are welcome at database@ndgsa.org.au
Building the Breed
GCH CRF Castle Rock Tesla 1*M 5*D VVEE 90
DOB 2/13/08
3xGCH, 1xRGCH, 2xBU
2010 LA: ++VV 86
2011 LA: VVVE 87
2012 LA: VVEE 90
Sire: Woodhaven Farms Latigo +S
(Woodhaven Farms TKO +S x Woodhaven Farms Shaula Parker)
Dam: ARMCH Lost Valley TB Infinity 4*D
(MCH Lost Valley Tae-Bo *S x MCH Lost Valley Mercedes 3*D)
Tesla (named after the electric sports car, not the band) was a favorite at Castle Rock from the beginning. She was a long, elegant doe, with smoothness of blending, straight front legs, a wide rump and lots of dairy character. Her udder was high and wide with a tremendous area of udder attachment and excellent texture that milks down very well. She had this quiet sense of dignity about her. She would never think to bleat loudly (for that would be undignified) rather, she will quietly slip into your lap or gently nibble at your shirt until you notice she is there. She is pictured here as a first freshener.
Age | DIM | #s Milk | #s BF | % BF | #s Protein | % Protein |
2.01 | 256 | 518 | 35 | 6.8 | 21 | 4.1 |
2.11 | 308 | 673 | 51 | 7.6 | 32 | 4.8 |
4.00 | 153 | 594 | 41 | 6.9 | 27 | 4.5 |
The Tesla genetics are having quite an impact on the Australian herd largely through her daughter Castle Rock La Jamais Contente ( Dam of First Fleet Baudin) and her son (full brother to Castle Rock La Jamais Contente) Castle Rock Triumph, a recent import.
Photo courtesy of Castle Rock Farm
North Queensland Shows
For new ND owners it can be a bit daunting to take the step into showing your goats. I thought I would ask someone who’s also relatively new to showing goats.
I was lucky enough to catch up with Robb Bliss to find out more about the recent shows held in North Queensland. Thanks for the chat Robb and for the photos. Here’s what he had to say.
- When did you start showing your goats?
I first took some of my goats to our local 3 day show last year as a promotion for the Nigerian dwarf goats it was a big success. Our local show asked me back this year in July and it was extremely busy.
- How did you find out about the shows? Or were you instrumental in starting up the show/s?
I contacted the Cairns Show secretary n requested if it was possible to include a Nigerian Dwarf goat section in this year’s show. The inaugural first time ND was launched from this. I took a team of 10 goats with a lot of help from very special friends.
- How do you choose which goats to take?
As my goats have a 3-stage kidding I chose goats that suited this time of year (winter) n those that I thought that had the best dairy conformation overall.
- What preparation do you do to get them ready for the show?
Believe it or not we do get winter conditions up here in the Atherton Tablelands even though it’s classed tropical 2 hours inland from Cairns. I never clipped any of my show team just a shampoo for those who had a lot of white after arriving at the Showgrounds the day before judging. I changed their diet a little to help with their winter coats.
- What do you enjoy about showing?
The greatest thing about showing my goats to me was getting to spend time with Cairns new breeders Katie n Mikey n their family as well as amazing friends Ned n Eleanor who transported my goats for me 400 kms plus.
I had to hire an electric wheelchair for showing so it was a first time for my goats n myself out in the ring combination.
My goats did me proud how they adjusted to people they didn’t know lead them n they managed to get a few ribbons n trophies.
Seeing the public streaming thru n the reaction when they first see the goats was truly magical, having some babies clowning around really melted hearts n stole the show plus having goats mingling with the public n not wondering off put smiles on so many faces.
One very special moment n there were many was a young man who spotted me holding a baby goat his face lite up n put out his arms n cuddled the baby closely who nibbled around his neck n loved being held n he had tears trickling down his face a lovely down Syndrome man.
The facilities at the Cairns Showgrounds are just brilliant, having a full kitchen, fans up above the goats, my heavy pregnant does appreciated having them turned on.
The goat society organisers really want us back next year and are prepared to have a Wheelchair toilet and shower close by.
Feedback from the Cairns show organisers
…these little goats were a great hit with the public, especially the children. Having them running around free and to be to pat or cuddle these little goats was amazing to see. I know of people coming back three times to pat these little goats. The children said it was better than the animal nursery. They had charm, cuteness wrapped in one furry bundle and being able to touch them. A great hit for the goat shed.
Last year we had sunflowers, this year we the Nigerian Dwarf goats.
Thanks for exhibiting.
I hope this inspires you to ‘give it a go’.
Cheers Megan
Myotonia "Fainting Goat" Update
As information is made available to us from owners/breeders Myotonia Status Tags will be incorporated in the NDGSA Database for widespread industry use in decision making.
The Board is appreciative of the industry participation to date and encourage everyone who conducts testing to provide the results so we can make them publicly available.
From the Archives
From the USA
With a lot of material and information flowing in as the USA and Canada get involved in providing material for the NDGSA website the Board now has access to a range of old photos and information. This month we are publishing a range of old advertisements and show results from “Ruminations” magazine published by Kathy Clapps. The scanned material is courtesy of the Historical Nigerian Dwarf Goats Facebook Page.
The following photos are of ancestors commonly found in ND Pedigrees.
NDGSA Board Members
Wayne Graham
Lesley McDowell
Megan Brennan
Glennys Fletcher
Kylie Whelan
Melanie Thayer