
Photo credit – Old Mountain Farm, Cheryle Moore Smith & Wyl Smith

The NDGSA has been formed to promote and further the Nigerian Dwarf breed in Australia and to provide
education, fellowship and support for Nigerian Dwarf breeders and enthusiasts alike. We welcome you and
look forward to getting to know you and your herd.


By joining the NDGSA you agree to the following code of ethics: 

  1. While participating as a member of the NDGSA you agree to conduct yourself in a manner that reflects in a positive manner on the NDGSA.
  2. You agree to practice, encourage and maintain a high standard of breeding, animal welfare and stud management.
  3. You agree to comply with all State and Federal regulations in the keeping and transport of your Nigerian Dwarf animals.
  4. You agree to act ethically in your dealings with other NDGSA members and non-members alike by conducting yourself and your business with honesty, integrity and fair dealing.
  5. You agree to make yourself familiar with the BREED STANDARD as set down by the NDGSA and commit to breeding to the standard.