Breed Standard

Photo Credit – Mary Tyler, Jordan, American Jewell Farm

General Appearance

Animals should be robust in appearance and of good dairy type with a triple wedge. Bucks should be masculine and Does feminine. They should be well proportioned, well blended and not coarse. Their coat should be soft with short to medium length hair and of any colour or pattern and their skin should be tan or black.

At 4 years of age, does should be a maximum of 57cm and a minimum of 43cm. Bucks a maximum of 60cm and minimum of 43cm.

Head & Neck

The head should be of medium length with either a dished or straight facial line and a broad, well-developed muzzle. Eyes should be large, set well apart and bright, either blue or brown/gold in colour. Their neck should blend smoothly into the shoulders and strong looking for Bucks and feminine looking for Does.

Backline & Body

The back should be straight, strong & horizontal.  The body should be long, possess the triple dairy wedge and good spring of rib and length to height ratio. Withers that are fine and move strongly into the shoulders are desirable. Bucks should possess deep and wide forequarters while Does should have medium width and depth. The hindquarters should have a gradual fall from the hips to the tail and there should be good width between the hips that flare out to the thurls. The rump should be level across the thurls.


The legs should be placed squarely and be strong. They should be aligned parallel with a flat bone and the pasterns should be short and strong. Sound and well-shaped hooves with good heel depth are desirable.


The udder should have a broad attachment that is high at the rear and forward to at least the front of the hip bones. It should be evenly divided with no pocket and not pendulous.  It should have a strong medial ligament  with sides that are well attached to the inner thighs. The skin texture should be soft with black or tan skin and the udder should posess good capacity. Teats should be clearly distinct from udder, two only and one orifice only in each teat. Teat placement to be at bottom of udder and in middle of each udder half. Teat size should be adequate for ease of hand or machine milking. 

Images : American Diary Goat Society